When accidents happen the aftermath typically looks pretty similar. A car, truck, or SUV sits in a damaged state while it awaits authorities to haul it off. In this case, a BMW 5-Series ended up not just damaged but on a power pole support wire. The driver’s reaction is surprising.

Brought to us by a poster over on Reddit, the short film shows a BMW 5-Series with its front wheels about five feet in the air. The accident itself isn’t shown on film but one way or another, the driver managed to put this 4,000+-pound sedan halfway into the sky before it came to rest.

“Yo, did that really just happen?” the cameraman asks moments before the driver falls out of the car. “Tell me this dude is not drunk,” they say. While there’s no clear indication of intoxication levels, it’s worth noting that the driver seems to attempt to dislodge the BMW by tugging on its trunk. Whether or not they understood that the car would then likely roll back onto them isn’t clear.

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It’s tough to tell exactly what went down but those seven-spoke wheels indicate that this is likely a 5-Series with the optional Sport package of its day. Whether it’s a six-cylinder or V8 is tougher to say because the video doesn’t show the badge clearly and the rear bumper is destroyed and obscured as well.

The E60 generation of the BMW 5-Series came with either rear or all-wheel drive. So it seems plausible that there might have existed a way to reverse the car off of the support wire given that it had enough traction. That’s better than some previously suspended cars we’ve reported on could’ve hoped for.

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Either way, there’s no satisfying ending in this video. We’ve been searching for more information about exactly what went down here but haven’t found anything official. Perhaps more news about the incident will surface soon.

Image Credit: u/InundateTheIgnorant